"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fantasy vs. Realism

We have spent the past few weeks identifying and sorting story events between realism and fantasy. Last week, we read Prudy's Problem. It is a story about a girl who has so many collections, her house explodes.

Crimson's Cover - Fantasy vs. Realism

Kadee's Fantasy Event and Realism Event

Richard's Fantasy Event

Freya's Fantasy Event and Realism Event

Weekly Update 9/24/2012

Montana Relief Map
Three questions to ask your third grader:

1) When do you need to ungroup in subtraction?
2) What is Prudy's problem and how did she solve it?
3) What is an example of a Montana landform?

Communication Arts:
Story: My Rows and Piles of Coins
Skill: Fantasy vs. Realism and Sequencing
Spelling: Vowel Dipthongs (ou, ow, oi, oy) 
*It is a short week! Study hard!http://www.spellingcity.com/cmsenecal/
Unit 1: Ungrouping to Subtract
*Students will create their own toy store advertisement this week to practice addition and subtraction.

Social Studies:
Montana Geography: Landforms and Natural Resources

Come to the Hawthorne Picnic!
Thursday at 6:00

Mark Your Calendar!
Tuesday, 9/25/2012 MAP Assessment
Wednesday, 9/26/2012 - Happy Birthday Sara!
Thursday, 9/27/2012 - Hawthorne Picnic - 6:00
Friday, 9/28/2012 - Spelling Menu and Reading Log due

Ms. Senecal

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Update 9/17/2012

Classroom before Open House

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the families that came to Open House! I am so excited to work with you and your student this year. Also, another thank you to families that have helped out with classroom projects. I appreciate all of your help!

Three questions to ask your third grader:
1) What do you do when there are more than 9 ones?
2) What is the setting of Sarah, Plain, and Tall?
3) List words that authors use to sequence events in a story.
Communication Arts:
Story: Prudy's Problem
Skill: Fantasy vs. Realism and Sequencing
Spelling: Compound Words
Unit 1: Multi-Digit Addition and Money Amounts
*A great way to practice at home is have your student add money amounts of items at the grocery store, from a menu, or from weekly grocery ads.
Social Studies:
Montana Geography: Landforms and Natural Resources
Mark Your Calendar!
Monday, 9/24/2012 - Staff Development Day - no school for students.
Thursday, 9/27/2012 - Hawthorne Picnic - 5:30

Ms. Senecal

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekly Update 9/9/2012

Another successful week in third grade! We spent last week diving into curriculum with our first Reading Street story and Math lessons on place value.
Three questions to ask your third grader:
1) What is a skillet used for?
2) What is the difference between fantasy and realism?
3) Perform the place value song.

Here we go! This upcoming week will be our first full week. Get ready!

-Spelling Pre-Test
-Spelling words and menu will come home. Please choose three activities.

-Math: Quick Quiz #1
-Open House! Experience life as a third grader! 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

-Happy Birthday Conner!

-Early out at 2:00 PM

-Reading Log due
-Spelling Menu Activities due
-Spelling Test

Communication Arts:
Story: Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday
Skill: Sequencing
Spelling: Suffixes

Unit 1: Understanding Place Value and Group to Add

Social Studies:
Montana Geography: Landforms and Natural Resources

I look forward to meeting you at Open House. Tuesday 9/11/2012 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM!

Ms. Senecal

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekly Schedule

Click the link to view! --> Weekly Schedule

Weekly Update 9/2/2012

Wow! What a fabulous first week! I am very excited to be teaching such a fun and sweet group of students. We spent time our first week describing what makes each of us important, building community through teamwork, and practicing expectations. We are off to a super start!

This week will be busy getting into the curriculum. Monday will begin with a spelling pre-test. Student's will discover which words they already can spell and which words need more practice. A spelling menu will be on the back of this week's words. Students must choose 3 activities to complete and turn in on Friday. Also, our spelling test will be Friday. Words are posted on my spelling city page.

In addition, students must read at least 20 minutes five times per week. Please document this on their reading log. Math homework will go home nightly and is due the following day. If students do not turn in homework, they will stay in during recess to complete missing assignments.

Communication Arts:
Story: Boom Town

Unit 1: Understanding Place Value

 Social Studies:
Strong Kids: Emotional Strength Training

I look forward to another wonderful week!

Ms. Senecal