"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Thursday, February 28, 2013


We spent a lot of time studying story elements in our last Reading Unit. Students completed a plot activity that was set up like a stage. We focused on rising action, the climax, and falling action using the story America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle. Go Trudy!

Plot takes center stage!

Rising Action: A dagerous storm hit the English Channel as Trudy was swimming.

Climax: Trudy made it across the English Channel. She beat the men's record by 2 hours.

Falling Action: Everyone celebrated. That was the first woman to swim the English Channel.

Delicious Opinions Yum!

During our last writing unit, we focused on opinion pieces. Students studied what makes a strong opinion and how opinions can be used to persuade when they are supported by facts. Our big writing piece was focused on giving our opinion on our favorite restaurants. Students wrote a restaurant review that included the location of the restaurant, what the restaurant looks like, details on the food, and why the restaurant is special to them. The writing pieces turned out great!

Some students decided to put in a little extra work and write a second copy of their review to be mailed to the restaurant. We have heard back from two restaurant including China Garden and Denny's. The students had a lot of fun with this piece and our mouths were watering during writing! 

Restaurant Reviews on display!

China Buffet is an oustanding restaurant.

You should go to Red Robin.

Weekly Update 2/25/13

Communication Arts:
Story: Suki's Kimono
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
Spelling: VCCV and VCC words
Math: Unit 10: Time
We began Math Stations this week. Students did a great job being flexible and working hard to review!

Earth Materials: Rocks, Minerals, and Soil
This week will be our geologists last week with us. We are so lucky she provided us with such fun and delicious hands-on lessons!

Social Studies:
Salish Tribe of Montana
Mark Your Calendar!
Monday, 2/25/13 Afterschool SuccessMaker begins
Tuesday, 2/26/13 Earth Materials Lesson with Geologist, Dr. Marjie
Wednesday, 2/27/13 Family Math Night @ 5:30
Friday, 3/1/13 Reading Logs and Spelling Menus due, Spelling Test

Ms. Senecal

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weekly Update 2/18/13

Communication Arts:
Unit 4 Review
Fact and Opinion
Fact: A statement that can be proven true or false.
Hint: Facts often contain numbers!
Example: Hawthorne Elementary School is on Third Street.

Opinion: A statement that shows what someone feels or believes.
Hint: Opinions often use the words best, always, most, think, or believe.
Example: Hawthorne Elementary School is the best school in the world!
(Well, it is!)

Story Elements:
Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Climax, and Resolution

*There is no spelling test this week. Woohoo!

Math: Unit 13: Measurement
Gallon people coming soon.
Although we finished on multiplication.

Earth Materials: Rocks, Minerals, and Soil

Social Studies:
Salish Tribe of Montana

Mark Your Calendar!
Monday, 2/18/13 - President's Day - no school!
Tuesday, 2/19/13 - Patriotic Sing Along 1:15
Tuesday, 2/19/13 - First Day of Flagship
Thursday, 2/20/13 - Unit 4 Benchmark Assessment
Friday, 2/22/13 - Big Sky Science Lesson

Ms. Senecal

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekly Update 2/11/13

I fell a bit behind last week and did not post my weekly update. I am sorry to all of my loyal followers. Are there any of you out there?

Communication Arts:
Story: Night Letters
Focus: Fact and Opinion
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Spelling: /j/ and /k/ sounds

*The spelling test will be on Friday, 2/15/13.

Math: Unit 13: Measurement
Although we finished on multiplication, students will continue to learn and practice multiplication facts. We are on our last set of facts. Great eights!

Check out how this kids learned eights!

Earth Materials: Rocks, Minerals, and Soil

Social Studies:
Salish Tribe of Montana

Mark Your Calendar!
Tuesday, 2/12/13 - Happy Birthday Abe!
Wednesday, 2/13/13 - Literacy Luncheon at 11:40. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, 2/13/13 - Geology Lesson with Dr. Marjie
Thursday, 2/14/13 - Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, 2/18/13 - President's Day - no school!
Tuesday, 2/19/13 - First Day of Flagship

Ms. Senecal

Big Sky Science Lessons

We have had a group of Big Sky High School students lead science lessons in our class. Students really look forward to these lessons. Take a peek out the most recent lesson on the formation of crystals.

Students observe the beginning of crystal formation.
Tre and Graham record their observations.
Hailey takes a closer look!

Teagan using the microscope.
Gracie checking out the crystals.