"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekly Update 4/29/13

Communication Arts:
Story: The Story of the Statue of Liberty
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Comprehension: Main Idea and Details and Illustrations
Spelling: Vowel Sounds in tooth and cook - oo, ew, ue, ui, u

Unit 11: Fractions Review and Unit Test

Social Studies:

Salish Tribe of Montana

Wildlife Discovery

Mark Your Calendar!
Monday 4/29/13 - no school for students
Tuesday 4/30/13 - Reading MAP Test
Tuesday 4/30/13 - Art Show opens at the mall
Friday 5/3/13 - Field Trip to St. Pat's CATCH Health Fair
Tuesday 4/7/13 - Technology Levies/Trustee Seats Ballot - Please vote!

Ms. Senecal

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Recent Happenings

Denny's brought us in full meals, coupons, and activity books because Shevonne
wrote her restaurant review about the restaurant. What a delicious treat!

Dental Hygiene! Practicing brushing off the plaque.

Showing a little appreciation to Geologist Margie who
taught us how awesome rocks can be!

Mr. and Mrs. Gallon

Weekly Update 4/22/13

It has been a whirlwind month, and I apologize for the lack of updates. Between going to New York for Spring Break and Portland for a teaching conference, I have been a bit busy. The good news, while I was out, the substitute teacher left a glowing report!

Communication Arts:
Unit 5 Review - This is a review week with a benchmark assessment.

Comprehension Skills: Compare and Contrast and Main Idea and Details

Unit 11: Fractions

Social Studies:

Salish Tribe of Montana

Wildlife Discovery

Mark Your Calendar!
Sunday, 4/7/13 Happy Belated Birthday Mikayla!
Thursday, 4/18/13 Happy Belated Birthday Graham!
Sunday, 4/21/13 Happy Birthday Allie!
Monday, 4/22/13 Earth Day, Art, Happy Birthday Kody!
Tuesday, 4/23/13 Happy Birthday to me!

Wednesday, 4/24/13 Happy Birthday Tylin!
Thursday, 4/25/13 Dress Up Day! Wear your western gear! Spring Social at 5:30PM Contra dancing, 50/50, awesome prizes, and much more! Hope to see you there!
Sunday, 4/28/13 Happy Birthday Tyler

This week is also Volunteer Week. We are so thankful for our classroom Grandma Ann!

Ms. Senecal