"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly Update 3/24/14

Communication Arts
Unit 4 Review Week

Skills: Point of View and Informational Text Features
No spelling this week!
Writing: Opinion Writing - We will be reading and studying various picture books that share opinions and attempt to persuade the reader!

Unit 10: Time
This is a short review unit.

Science of Flight: We had a blast designing and launching gliders last week! We will redesign and continue launching this week.

Mark Your Calendar!

Monday 3/24/14: YMCA Swim Lesson Permission Slips sent home
Tuesday 3/25/14: Class and Individual Picture Day
Wednesday 3/26/14: Parent Teacher Conferences - evening
Thursday 3/27/14: Half Day for Students; Parent Teacher Conferences - afternoon
Friday 3/28/14 - Sunday 4/6/14: No School for Students - Happy Spring Break!

I look forward to seeing many of you this week for conferences!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hawthorne in the News!

KGVO featured Mrs. Sorenson this week talking about our STEM program. Third graders, Andrew and Addison, are pictured with their gliders! Click here to check it out!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Happy St. Patrick's Day! I apologize for being so far behind. Third grade has been BUSY!

Communication Arts
Story: How My Family Lives in America
Skill: Informational Text Features and Point of View
Spelling: Homophones --> Spelling City
The test will be given using sentences to help students distinguish the homophones.
Writing: Opinion Writing: Ask you kid what makes a better pet, a cat or dog?

Unit 11: Fractions
We will wrap up this unit this week with an assessment on Friday.

Flight: The week is finally here! We will be building and launching gliders.

Mark Your Calendar!
3/18/14 Please return Parent Teacher Conference forms.
3/20/14 Winter Flagship Ends
3/26/14 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00
3/27/14 Half Day for Students - Dismissal at 11:00; Parent Teacher Conferences 11:00-4:00
3/28/14 No School 
3/31/14 - 4/4/14 Spring Break!