"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy October!
3rd grade has been BUSY! Here's some things we've been working on.

3rd Graders tasting crops from our school garden.

Communication Arts
We are working on a unit of folktales, fairy tales, and fables. Here are some of the learning targets we are working on:
~I can identify the lesson of a story.
~I can describe the characters in a story and their motivations (goals). 
~I can sequence events in a story.

The kids really enjoy reading and listening to these types of stories. Click here to read some at home!

We are working on multiplication and division with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10 during this unit. We are focused on understanding the concept, but will begin working on fluency and learning multiplication facts. These can be practiced at home online (click here), with dice, using playing cards, or with Dollar Store flashcards. Make it fun!

Social Studies
We have been studying tribes of Montana, especially the location and traditions of the Salish. Students began working on year-long books where they will compare and contrast the traditions of the Salish to their own traditions each month. We will begin a Science unit soon!

Sharing our strengths with Ms. Bevington
October Dates
10/6/14 Happy Birthday Cole!
10/8/14 Midterms sent home. Please sign and return. I will make a copy and send home the original.
10/16/14 - 10/17/14 No school for students
10/22/14 Earthquake Drill
10/23/14 Pumpkin Carving at 6:30
10/28/14 Art!
10/31/14 Halloween Parade at 1:30 and Classroom Party at 2:00

Thank you to everyone who came to Open House and our class play!