"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekly Update 10/29/2012

Hello Third Grade Families,

I can't believe November begins this week! I need to toughen up for the winter. I would rather have cold weather than the "Frankenstorm" that the East Coast is getting! Please send your child in weather appropriate clothing so they will be comfortable at recess.

Three questions to ask your third grader:
1) What does the word sum mean? Give an example.
2) How are the story Penguin Chick and the documentary March of the Penguins similar?
3) What is a valley?

Communication Arts:
Story: A Day's Work
Skill: Summarizing
Spelling: words that end with le

Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction Situations

Unit 4: Figures, Angles, and Triangles
*We will be wrapping up Unit 3 this week and begin Unit 4.
Big Sky High School students will be working with our third graders to teach science lessons.

Mark Your Calendar!
Wednesday, 10/31/2012 - Halloween Celebration
Thursday, 11/1/2012 - Parent Teacher Conference Forms sent home
Friday, 11/2/2012 - Trimester 1 Ends / Big Sky Lesson
Wednesday, 11/7/2012 - Parent Teacher Conferences After School
Thursday, 11/8/2012 - Half Day for Students - Parent Teacher Conferences

We will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday, 10/31/2012. Students will participate in a school-wide parade. Costume must be school appropriate, not scary or bloody. We will continue the day with a classroom celebration.
Also, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be next Wednesday evening and Thursday afternoon. Forms will go home this Thursday, 11/1/2012. Please return the form as soon as possible. Due to our class size, I would appreciate if families could attend conferences together so that I only need to have one conference per student. Also, I can do some conferences on Election Day, Tuesday, 11/6/2012. If you are voting at the Hawthorne School, we could conference before or after you vote. I look forward to seeing you all!

Ms. Senecal

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