"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Weekly Update 10/10/13

The week got away from me, and I am SUPER late on my update. Can we  just pretend I'm really early for next week?

 One of the important items this week is Midterm Reports. They went home on Wednesday. Please take the time to review this with your child, sign, and return. I will make a copy and send the original back. Third graders earn letter grades. 
A = 89.5 and above, B = 79.5 and above, C = 69.5 and above, and D = 59.5 and above.

Communication Arts
Unit 1 Review
Spelling: No spelling this week or next! We will begin with new words again on 10/16. 
We finished all 5 stories from Unit 1 and will be reviewing our big comprehension skills: cause and effect, types of questions, and main idea and details to prepare for our assessment.

Writing: Animal Rescue Stories
Based on the response from a short writing prompt last week, we are going to write animal rescue stories.

Unit 2: Lines, Line Segments and Quadrilaterals
Click here and check out the line shoot, quadrilateral shapes, and perimeter game!

ScienceEarth Materials: Rocks and Minerals
Geologist Marjie kicked off this unit with a hands-on lesson on minerals and their hardness. More lessons with Marjie to come!

Mark Your Calendar
10/9/13 Midterms Reports sent home. Please review the report with your child, sign, and return. I will send home the original after I make a copy.
10/14/13 Art!
10/15/13 Northwest Energy Presentation
10/17/13 - 10/18/13 No School

Ms. Senecal

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