"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

An update is well overdue and we have a very busy week ahead. 

Math: Students have been working on measuring length, mass, volume, and time. Elapsed time has been challenging. You can incorporate discussions about elapsed time into your everyday activities by discussing start and end times of drives, cooking, or any activity with your child. Sheppard Software has great activities and games to practice measurement skills. 

ELA: We are nearing the end of a biography unit. We have read about and researched many people who are extraordinary for one reason or another. Students are also completing a Google Slides Presentation on a person of their choice. Please click on this link to view your students project. They are amazing!

Social Studies/Science: Currently, we are learning about Montana Landforms and Resources. We will begin our next Project Lead the Way Unit on Simple and Compound Machines after President's Day.

Mark Your Calendar!
2/10/2015: Field Trip to the University of Montana for Fire Speaks the Land Performance
2/12/2015: Hawthorne's Patriotic Sing Along - wear red, white, and blue
2/13/2015: Valentine's Day Celebration - bring your valentines!
2/16/2015: No school - President's Day
2/17/2015: Winter Flagship begins
2/19/2015: Hawthorne's Science Night 5:30 - 7:00
3/23/2015 - 3/26/2015: Parent Teacher Conferences
3/27/2015 - 4/5/2015: Spring Break!


  1. Thank you so much for the update!! So glad to see and wow, you all are doing lots and lots!!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!! Thank you for the link to the biography reports ... how fabulous!!

  3. Thank you, Wendy! The kids worked really hard on the biography projects.
