"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

San Diego Zoo Cams

For our new Project Lead the Way Unit, students will be designing a machine to get a tiger out of a moat. There is a live tiger camera at the San Diego Zoo. There are lots of other cams on their website. Check it out!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

An update is well overdue and we have a very busy week ahead. 

Math: Students have been working on measuring length, mass, volume, and time. Elapsed time has been challenging. You can incorporate discussions about elapsed time into your everyday activities by discussing start and end times of drives, cooking, or any activity with your child. Sheppard Software has great activities and games to practice measurement skills. 

ELA: We are nearing the end of a biography unit. We have read about and researched many people who are extraordinary for one reason or another. Students are also completing a Google Slides Presentation on a person of their choice. Please click on this link to view your students project. They are amazing!

Social Studies/Science: Currently, we are learning about Montana Landforms and Resources. We will begin our next Project Lead the Way Unit on Simple and Compound Machines after President's Day.

Mark Your Calendar!
2/10/2015: Field Trip to the University of Montana for Fire Speaks the Land Performance
2/12/2015: Hawthorne's Patriotic Sing Along - wear red, white, and blue
2/13/2015: Valentine's Day Celebration - bring your valentines!
2/16/2015: No school - President's Day
2/17/2015: Winter Flagship begins
2/19/2015: Hawthorne's Science Night 5:30 - 7:00
3/23/2015 - 3/26/2015: Parent Teacher Conferences
3/27/2015 - 4/5/2015: Spring Break!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at parent teacher conferences. I am so proud of our 3rd graders and the progress they have already made this year. Our next conference will be in March, but please get in touch with me anytime with questions or concerns. Here are some activities we have been up to. 

Ms. Senecal's class lined up for the Halloween Parade!
We are in the middle of our Project Lead the Way Flight Module. Students have been experimenting with balanced and unbalanced forces, flight simulations, and handheld propellers. 

We also took a fantastic field trip to the Museum of Mountain Flying. It is closed for the season, but I highly recommend a family trip during the summer. 

Communication Arts
In our current unit, we are studying a lot of informational (non-fiction) texts.

~I can identify the informational text features to improve my understanding of a text.
~I can determine the main idea and supporting details.

We are continuing to work on multiplication and division. We are working on building fluency. You can practice at home online (click here), with dice, using playing cards, or with Dollar Store flashcards. Continue to make it fun!


~I can apply a step-by-step design process to solve a problem.
~I can predict the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces.

Mark Your Calendar!
11/26/14 - 11/28/14 Thanksgiving Break
12/5/14 Fall Flagship Ends
12/17/14 Holiday Concert at 1:30
12/20/14 - 1/4/15 Holiday Break

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy October!
3rd grade has been BUSY! Here's some things we've been working on.

3rd Graders tasting crops from our school garden.

Communication Arts
We are working on a unit of folktales, fairy tales, and fables. Here are some of the learning targets we are working on:
~I can identify the lesson of a story.
~I can describe the characters in a story and their motivations (goals). 
~I can sequence events in a story.

The kids really enjoy reading and listening to these types of stories. Click here to read some at home!

We are working on multiplication and division with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10 during this unit. We are focused on understanding the concept, but will begin working on fluency and learning multiplication facts. These can be practiced at home online (click here), with dice, using playing cards, or with Dollar Store flashcards. Make it fun!

Social Studies
We have been studying tribes of Montana, especially the location and traditions of the Salish. Students began working on year-long books where they will compare and contrast the traditions of the Salish to their own traditions each month. We will begin a Science unit soon!

Sharing our strengths with Ms. Bevington
October Dates
10/6/14 Happy Birthday Cole!
10/8/14 Midterms sent home. Please sign and return. I will make a copy and send home the original.
10/16/14 - 10/17/14 No school for students
10/22/14 Earthquake Drill
10/23/14 Pumpkin Carving at 6:30
10/28/14 Art!
10/31/14 Halloween Parade at 1:30 and Classroom Party at 2:00

Thank you to everyone who came to Open House and our class play!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome to Third Grade!

Dearest Third Grader,                         

Welcome to third grade! My name is Ms. Senecal and I am thrilled to be your teacher. It is sure to be a year of learning and adventure!

I can’t wait to meet you, but let me tell you a few things about myself. I grew up in Upstate New York (not the big city) and had fantastic teachers which made me want to be one. After college, I spent a year living on the Mississippi River, rebuilding houses in New Orleans, and digging trail in Illinois. Before I came to Montana, I taught fourth graders in Virginia. I love to hike, travel, and read.
This summer, I had a lot of visitors who I took rafting, hiking, and biking. Here are a few pictures. I hope your summer was full of adventure.

Third grade is a very important year. You will become an aviator, a mathematician, and an author! Are you ready?

Ms. Senecal

Monday, June 9, 2014

Last Week

Wow, we are on our last week of school. These past few weeks have been BUSY and FUN! 

We finished our work with the Missoula Writing Collaborative and our resident Ms. Laurel. She put together an amazing website to show the students work. Click on the link below to check it out. She also created poetry anthologies which were sent home last week.

Our class voted to have a final show and tell for each student. Our schedule for this week is below. 

Show and Tell for students with #1-10
Show and Tell for students with #11-20

Field Day @ 1:00
Show and Tell for students with #21-28
Last Day Dismissal @ 11:05

Please send students to school in tennis shoes and with sunscreen on for Field Day. Most student supplies will also be sent home on Tuesday.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekly Update 5/19/14

We had a naturalist from MPG Ranch visit our class. We learned all about the ranch and checked out 2 osprey cameras! Click below to check on the osprey.
South Camera
North Camera

Communication Arts
Story: Love That Dog
Skills: Literal and Figurative Language
Spelling: Individual Lists - see the back of your reading log
Writing: Poetry


Unit 13: Measurement

Social Studies
Wildlife Discovery with Ms. Becky from Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge

Mark Your Calendar!

5/19/14 Wildlife Discovery with Ms. Becky in class
5/20/14 Writing Poetry with Ms. Laurel in class
5/21/14 Poetry Festival at C.S. Porter 4:00-6:00: students can read their poems!
5/23/14 Writing Poetry with Ms. Laurel in class
5/26/14 No School - Happy Memorial Day, Happy Birthday Brock!
5/27/14 Field Trip to MPG Ranch - send a lunch if you did not order one
5/29/14 Literacy Luncheon