"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekly Update 11/18/13

Thank you to all the third grade families that came to parent teacher conferences. I appreciate all of the support you provide at home for what we do here.

Communication Arts
Story: Fly, Eagle, Fly!
Spelling: No Spelling This Week
Comprehension: Sequencing, Story Lesson
Click here to read more fables!
Writing: Personal Narratives

Unit 5: Use Addition and Subtraction
Have you checked out sumdog yet? If you need your username and password, let me know.

Earth  Materials and Changes
We will be finishing up this unit this week.
Check out the Montana Bureau of Mine and Geology's Website!

Mark Your Calendar
No Spelling this week
11/18/13 Art
11/22/13 Hawthorne Outdoor Learning Committee Meeting 3:30
11/26/13 Happy Birthday Lola
11/27/13 - 11/29/13 Happy Thanksgiving - no school for students


  1. Gus is really enjoying the geology section right now! We were at a craft fair this weekend and he was identifying the various stones at one of the jewelry booths. I was surprised at all the things he has learned during this unit! How fun and HOORAY for science in the classroom this year!

  2. Awesome, the whole class has been really into this unit. It is so neat to see kids take what they're learning in class and apply it outside of school. HOORAY for science is right! We have some fantastic units coming up in the new year as a part of Project Lead The Way.
