"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places." ~Roald Dahl

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update 11/4/13

3 Questions to Ask Your Third Grader
1) Why is it important for author's to sequence story events?
2) What does perpendicular mean?
3) When sediments settle, what is the first layer? Gravel, sand, or clay?

Communication Arts
Story: What About Me?
Spelling: Plurals: s, es, ies--> http://www.spellingcity.com/cmsenecal/
Vocab: carpenter, carpetmaker, knowledge, marketplace, merchant, plenty, straying, thread
Comprehension: Character Motivation, Story Lesson
Click here to read more fables!
Writing: Personal Narratives

Unit 4: Figures, Angles, and Triangles
Third graders should be fluent in addition and subtraction facts. Play the game below to practice.
Click here to practice Math Facts!

Earth  Materials and Changes
Dr. Marjie's last lesson will be on Monday. We will continue the Unit for a couple more weeks.
Check out the Montana Bureau of Mine and Geology's Website!

Mark Your Calendar
11/4/13 Geology Lesson with Dr. Marjie - bring your rocks and minerals!
11/8/13 and  11/11/13 Ms. Senecal out 
11/8/13 Trimester 1 Ends
11/13/13 and 11/14/13 Parent Teacher Conferences - more information will come out this week
11/15/13 No school for students

Ms. Senecal

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